Friday, January 12, 2007

Pictures of the Week: Jan. 6-12

Two images from this week's Pictures of the Week gallery make perfect companion pieces not only because of the subject matter, but also because of the shared visual element of the American flag. In one photograph, where flags serve as a backdrop, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ponders a question about the details of President Bush's Iraq strategy during a news conference following the president's speech announcing a surge of troop commitment. In the second photograph, the flag is used as a symbol of honor as an Army honor guard carries the casket of Sgt. John T. Bubeck, of Collegeville, Pa., during funeral services at Arlington National Cemetery.
Regardless of your opinion of the policy in Iraq, the flag is the symbol that ties us together, just as it does in the photos above -- we are all united as Americans.
Check out all of this week's pictures, and cast your vote for the best photo: Pictures of the Week.
- Lee


Anonymous said...

Not sure if this was meant to be as poignant as it is - depends on your political views I guess.  But you couldn't have picked to pair 2 better pictures:  This illustrates perfectly what the war is costing America.  

While the likes of Rice and Bush ponder in front of the flag, precious American lives are being sacrificed in the name of unity.  

It breaks my heart to see so many soldiers coming home wrapped in our American flag.   I wish we could put our flag to a better use.

Sad sad sad.  

Anonymous said...

I ponder a question. Why?

Anonymous said...

America, land of the free and the home of the brave. I am thankful we are the land of the free and the brave. We are free to join the military, free to support our President, and free to fight an enemy. A wise person once told me that we are called to be peacemakers, not peacekeepers. The difference? A peacekeeper will do everything to keep the peace regardless of how wrong it is, but a peacemaker sees what is wrong and is willing to go to war to change the wrongness if it means bringing peace. America has always been a peacemaker even from her beginning and thank goodness for that or we might be speaking a different language right now. Yes, war is a difficult choice to make because undoubtedly there will be loss of life, but it is needed. I am thankful that we have brave men and women willing to die for something they think is right. I would rather our military fight terrorism in a foreign land than in the United States. You would find very few military bashing their President. They have respect for him and our country and know they are doing the right thing. The young soldier in the picture did not die in vain.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU< flanigar03!!!  I don't think you could have said it any better without getting on a soapbox ( which it think we should bring back to public parks, free speech)  If we fight it over there,at its roots (including education/cultural ethics) there on foreign land, it is less likely to be here;except those who are already among us. I also believe that our government is protecting us from lots of attacks, including cyber business--these guys just want Isreals BIG BROTHER brought down so they can capture Jews to enslave them or aniliate them in order to "take over the world". (what a laugh,have they seen Pinky and the Brain? even a child can see the futility of that!) Oh, yes, these photos are really good together, only there is so much more to tell concerning the successes in Iraq and the good things or good human interest stories the media never portrays! I feel cheated and lied to because of the bias concering war from the weak-kneed cowards and tree huggers who reveal things one never should during a time of war (it was considered treasonous--& "loose lips sink ships" in other wars) seeing that there now are as many who GAVE their lives for our freedoms as were TAKEN on 9/11! There will ALWAYS be a price to pay for freedom from tyrants in this world;nowadays, those who know their place and desire to protect that which is good, volunteer--so those who don't won't have to. May God shed His grace on USA forever united in love and purity of the blessed hope.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you guys buy into the propaganda!  Do you think you should hold the President responsible for lieing to the Americans?  Do you know that our country is LESS safe because of the war in Iraq?  Do you know that Iraq was NEVER a terrorism threat to the U.S.?  And do you realize that the was effort was so BADLY planned?  Do you realize that the American army consists of the some of the poorest people?  Do you know any Senator, Congressman whose kid is fighting in Iraq?  Do you think it is sad when a mother thinks her son will be safer in Iraq than in our inner cities?  Do you realize how many American soldiers are DISILLUSIONED with this war and have not one good thing to say about Bush?  
Or do you only subscribe to nationalist, right wing media?  Do you make an effort to really research the issue from different perspectives?   If you care about DEMOCRACY, then you should know that the citizen's biggest job is to keep it's government in check, to be critical thinkers, curious inquirers, and question.  

To not approve of the war does not mean you don't care and support the soldiers.  But if you truly respect and care for them, then you would make an effort to at least be honest with them !

Anonymous said...

joining the arm serve and protect...not to bake cookies.........