Thursday, January 25, 2007

Holiday in Ireland

I wanted to share a few photographs from my trip to Ireland, as it is one of those places that inspires me to pick up my camera. I seek inspiration all around me when I'm at home, and inevitably my lens turns towards my daughter. I don't find it easy to shoot in my own backyard unless she is somewhere in the frame, but the minute I set foot in the old country everything changes.

I am sure that it has something to do with simply having the time to go out and shoot freely while on vacation in a world other than my own. I always enjoy taking photographs of my daughter and in-laws, but the vibrant colors and magical scenery in Ireland jump out at me and beg to be photographed!

I always return home and feel a sense of renewed enthusiasm to take pictures of almost anything I see, and then I suddenly see Sadie’s face in the frame once again and know that I am home.
The first image that you see is of my daughter’s legs as my husband holds her while standing on rocks looking out at the Irish Sea. Here, I have strayed from an expected angle and chose to focus on her legs dangling down toward the sea.
Feel free to submit photos of your own that have been inspired either in your own backyard or elsewhere! Please post a link in the comments section below to share your images.
- Jolie


Anonymous said...

I love your photos.  The composition and the colors make them stand out from the vast majority of vacation photos that people take. I have found that just a change of location will inspire me.

Anonymous said...

Miss Novak's eye is that of someone who knows composition and while the Irish environs---people and scapes--offer rich subjects, her sense of it & colour are wonderful.  Cheers to these inspiring images.
Michael Aisner
Boulder, Colorado

Anonymous said...

These are such rich photos I can't help but feel like I'm looking at small pieces of a utopia that I want to be immersed in. Simply beautiful.

-Kimberly Sirois

Anonymous said...

Elsa.I also love the beauty of abstract.I look at nature of trees ,rock formations,needless to say its an endless journey when you have your camera you never know what your going to stumble across that may
look so ordnair yet looking thru the camera's eye it totally can transform into creative artwork of its own.
Thank you for sharing the delightfull imaginery of abstract pictures,
Carol or Ccmuse6

Anonymous said...

These are fantastic! My favorite one is the top image. Those wee little legs! Great color and composition.

Anonymous said...

These are My favorite!I come from China.I hope i have a chance to go Ireland!
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