Friday, January 26, 2007

Pictures of the Week: Jan. 20-26

A Frill shark?
I've never heard of it before, but it is amazingly scary looking. The fact that this species is so rarely seen certainly insures it's inclusion into this week's Pictures of the Week. There are other amazing and rarely seen images in this week's gallery, such as a cedar waxwing tossing up a piece of fruit, which the photographer was able to catch mid-air. And of course, there's the history-making appearance of the first female Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who presided over the State of the Union address, which President Bush gave Jan. 23. Take a look and cast your vote for your favorite photo.
- Lee


Anonymous said...

Creepy, unique, sad that it died.

Anonymous said...

没见过!My god! I haven't saw the fish!
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