Friday, October 12, 2007

Pictures of the Week: Oct. 6-12

Sometimes the best images are not even captured by a photographer. The Cassini spacecraft captured this image of Saturn's moon Iapetus, revealing amazing detail. Images that are sent to earth from Cassini and the Hubble space telescope never cease to amaze me.

Take a look at all of this week's amazing images from above and around the world in this week's
Pictures of the Week photo gallery.

- Lee Van Grack


Anonymous said...

You're right in a sense.....A photographer surely didn't shoot the photo but some awfully dam good scientist(aka photographer/opitocal engineer) built one helluva goo "camera to do the job....don't ja think ! ?

Anonymous said...

Why don't "they" have a picture slideshow channel on TV of all of the photos taken of objects by the Hubble and these other devices in as real time as possible?  Do you think that idea would fly?  I would watch it.

Anonymous said...

For pictures of Hubble and other Space Activity, try the NASA channel.

Anonymous said...

For the past six weeks I have been unable to download the pictures that are to be voted on.  I miss this.  Can anyone advised how I can overcome this?

Anonymous said...

Nanaj6: It should be pretty simple. Here's what you do. 1) Click on the bold "Pictures of the Week" link above. It will take you into the photo gallery. 2) Click through the gallery using the "next" button. 3) After you've looked at all the photos, click on the blue "Vote for best photo" link in the caption field. At any time, on any photo in the gallery, you'll see that link and will be able to click to vote. 4) The vote page will pop up, then click on the radio button next to the thumbnail photo you want select as the best. 5) Scroll down to the bottom of the thumbnail photos and click the "Vote" button. The poll results are instantaneous and will show you immediately how all the votes are being tabulated.

If that's not the way it works for you after you've followed those instructions, please let us know.


Anonymous said...

Dotcorthe: Not only can you check out the NASA site referenced below, but AOL also has a photo gallery of top Hubble pictures:

Also, if you're a big fan of space photos, you should book mark this page:

... lots of space-related stuff on it.
