This is our seventh installment of our Fotofestivus here in the AOL Photo Talk blog. It's an idea we came up with as a staff a while ago. It's pretty simple: we identify a theme and shoot a photo for it. Some themes will be straightforward, some wacky. We'd like to invite you to join in, too.
This month's theme is: GREEN. Better grab the camera and head out now to shoot a picture on this subject if you don't already have one you'd like to submit. Fall is just weeks away and the green will be going before you know it -- if you interpret the them as a color, that is. Perhaps you have another idea. You can interpret it literally or have some fun with it.
Please send us links to your photos wherever they are -- AOL Pictures, Flickr, Snapfish, anywhere -- in the comments area when you respond.
Here are a few photos shot by some of the AOL photo editors for some inspiration:
Have fun and think creatively! We look forward to seeing how this theme inspired you. For additional inspiration, take a look at some of our previous Fotofestivus entries:
- Gary
I'm in!
Outstanding! Nice job. I followed the link back to your blog home and saw some of your other photos, too. Your other dragonfly photo and the butterfly photo work well, too, with the green theme.
And maybe it's because today is the sixth anniversary of 9/11, but that contrail shot is very thought-provoking. I see two twin towers of the contrail appearing to ascend into the clouds.
Nicely done. Thanks for the post.
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