Yves Rossy, known as the 'Fusion Man,' flies with a jet-powered single wing over the Alps in Bex, Switzerland, Wednesday, May 14, 2008. Some people go fishing on their day off. Yves Rossy likes to jump out of a small plane with a pair of jet-powered wings and perform figure eights above the Swiss Alps. The revolutionary human flying machine comes after five years of training and many more years of dreaming. (Anja Niedringhaus, AP)
Maybe it's because I saw Iron Man last weekend, maybe it's because as a kid I expected that we would all be zipping around in our flying cars like the Jetsons by now, but I found the images of Yves Rossy, also known as the 'Fusion Man, soaring above the Swiss Alps powered by a jet-powered wing strapped to his back to be an amazing sight.
As soon as I saw the video, I knew I would include an image from the event in this week's gallery. There were a lot to choose from, but this photo, by Anja Niedringhaus is a great shot of an amazing achievement. The backdrop of the snow topped Alps provides a sense of the altitude, the jet trails provide a sense of the speed and power. The angle of the view provides a clear view of the man and the machine.
-Lee Van Grack